Solution at hand for “Walshied” Windows Phones

Picture of the Samsung Omnia 7 showing the battery hatch openedWere you one of the brave (and restless) that tried Chris Walsh’s homebrew updater?

If so you probably got word soon after that your dear Windows Phone might be botched and that it would be impossible to update it any more. Now it has shown that not all phones got permanently broken, but that in some cases phones would indeed end up in a sidetracked state where it would be impossible to update them further.

Since then Microsoft has released the “Security Update” and if you tried installing this and got the error code 80180048 thrown at you, then you probably need to “UnWalshify” your phone.

Good news is that Chris has developed just such a tool! You can get at from his blog here “Walshed” Phone Support Tool: official fix to get you back on track.

Samsung Omnia 7 owners beware

There seems to be some issues though with the tool, mostly reported by Omnia 7 users.

I got an Omnia 7 and so far it refuses to boot after running the tool, making the tool crash and the phone just seems to hang during boot.

I can get it to reboot but only by disconnecting it and pulling out and then reinserting the battery.

So even if I can’t get the updater to run, I will still be able to continue to use the phone. But getting future updates would be nice, especially with Mango looming in at the horizon 🙂

Forcing the Omnia 7 boot to work

After running the updater the phone kept hanging during the reboot every time, thus making the updater tool time out.

I took a risc and just after the tool triggered the reboot of the phone, I pulled the USB cable and manually rebooted it, then as it started comming back up I re-inserted the USB cable again. After entering my PIN code and finalizing the reboot the tool then reported the update as being complete.

OBS! Try this at your own risc, this is probably not recomended, at all…!

Good luck!

The "UnWalshifier" is released
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One thought on “The "UnWalshifier" is released

  • May 21, 2011 at 20:58

    Thanks for the Omnia 7 tip!


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