Sales of Windows Phone doubles over last quarter

Windows Phone sales aren’t coming along as planned, hoped or believed. For the second quarter of 2012 the sales for Windows Phone was 3.5% of market share.

Looking at the bright side of things the market share increases at an accelerating rate. With Windows Phone having 1.5% market share in 4Q11, 2.2% in 1Q2012 and 3.5% in 2Q2012 the growth for the respective quarter periods is 0.7% vs 1.3%, which means almost a doubling of growth rate.

Android made a big leap for the second quarter with market share for 2Q2012 reaching an impressive 68.1%, up from 59% 1Q2012.

Rumors of the upcoming iPhone 5 seems to have made potential iOS device buyers to wait as the 2Q2012 market share for iOS is 16.9%, down from the 1Q2012 figure of 23.1%

Chart over Smartphone OS Market Share for the second quarter of 2012

Question is how will the unveiling of the new Windows Phone 8 OS and devices affect the upcoming sales for Windows Phone. Will the new support for better specs for Windows Phone 8 hardware finally enable a manufacturer to produce a “killer device” (something long needed for Windows Phone)?

And, with Windows 8 starting to roll out in just a couple of days, will it become a popular OS and thus make users more prone to using Windows Phone as their smartphone of choice?


The interactive chart from IDC can be found here.

Windows Phone sales pick up pace
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