Dell has announced that the Streak Android device will be available in June. The Streak is sporting a 5″ 480*800 screen, so it will be larger than all smartphones available. More than that the spec sheet reads:
- 1GHz Snapdragon Processor
- 16GB Internal memory
- Expandable SD card slot with up to 32GB more memory
- 5MP Camera
- Low res front side camera for video chat
- 3G support
- Wifi support
- Bluetooth 2.1 support
It will be shipping with Android 1.6 (Donut) installed, but will be upgradeable to Froyo (Android 2.2) at a later date.
Personally I am a bit skeptic to the form factor. Since I suspect most people would replace their phone/smartphone with this, isn’t the size a bit too large? They have built in a mic and speaker so you can put it too your ear and talk into it like a phone, but it looks kind of silly. Now of course most people use a headset anyways. But I still have my doubts for the size, even though browsing the web and looking at video content probably will be a lot more comfortable for the eyes and hopefully not give pinch-to-zoom syndrome fingers.
See the vid below for a nice demo of the Streak from Delll: