Froyo vs Eclair
One of the larger improvements in Android 2.2 (Froyo) compared to the previous Android version 2.1 (Eclair) is the improvements of the JIT compiler. Google is stating that the performance would be increased by two to five times compared to the old JIT compiler. But is there any claim to the figures?
The guys over at AndroidCentral did a comparison between a Nexus One running Froyo, a HTC Evo 4G and a Motorola Droid, both the later running Eclair. The results look good for Froyo, and Google’s claims seems to hold true.
Check the vid below for the score card of the performance tests.
As well as Sunspider performance – the 3D performance seems to have improved by about 15%-20% as well with the jump from Eclair to Froyo.
More articles about Froyo here!
More articles about Eclair here!
Impressive speed change in between just one minor version number 🙂