Manipulating JSon with PowerShell
A few tips about working with JSon in PowerShell.
Reading JSon from a file
$file = Get-Content c:\tmp\file.json
Converting from text to JSon in PowerShell v3 or v4
$json = $file | ConvertFrom-JSON
Converting from text to JSon in PowerShell v2
Loading the assembly System.Web.Extensions will help in PowerShell v2. This assembly is however present only in .NET 3.5 and higher, so if you don’t have that installed, this solution is not appropriate.
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Web.Extensions") $serializer = New-Object System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer $json = $serializer.DeserializeObject($file)
Appending JSon objects
Given that $obj1JSon and $obj2JSon is two valid JSon objects.
$newJson = $obj1JSon + $obj2JSon
Serialize a JSon file to disk in PowerShell v3 or v4
$newJsonFile = $json | ConvertFrom-Json Set-Content c:\tmp\new.json $newJsonFile
Serialize a JSon file to disk in PowerShell v2
Using the previous v2 trick with methods from System.Web.Extensions loaded.
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Web.Extensions") $serializer = New-Object System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer $newJsonFile = $serializer.Serialize($newJSon) Set-Content c:\tmp\TOwork\created.json $newJsonFile
Checking the PowerShell Version
Not sure what version of PowerShell you are running? Run the command below to find out. The Major Version is the indicator telling you what version that is installed.
PowerShell – Working with JSon
You need to add the -raw switch to this line:
$file = Get-Content c:tmpfile.json -raw
What version of PowerShell are you running?
I only got access to v5 right now and in that I’ve found no need of using -raw, the conversion to json have worked for me fine without it.
Thanks for the feedback 🙂