I always use ASP.NET Core to host my Aurelia apps, just in case I should need any server side functionality. In reality I often end up separating any serious API’s or back-end functionality in to other Web Apps or other Function Apps.

But what if there’s no need for any kind of back-end functionality and you still want to host your site on Azure? Then you have the option to host your site as a static site in an Azure Storage Account. And compared to hosting a site in Web Apps, it’s pretty cheap!

Creating a Storage Account

There’s several ways to create an Azure Storage account. Here’s how to can do it from the Azure portal.

Select “Create a resource” click “Storage” and select “Storage account”.

Creating a Storage account

Select the subscription and Resource group (or create a new one).

  • Make sure to set Account kind as StorageV2!
  • For testing it’s good to set Replication to LRS, as that’s the cheapest option.
Storage account info

Click the “Review + create” button at the button, then press the “Create” button on the final page.

Depending on load, the new Storage account will be created in about 30 seconds or so. After the deployment is finished, press “Go to resource” to open the newly created Storage account.

Deployment info

Enable Static Website Hosting

Click “Static website” and choose “Enable”.

Enable static website under Settings > Static Website ” class=”wp-image-11182″/></a></figure>

<p>After enabling static websites, enter <em><strong>Index.html</strong></em> as <em>Index document</em> name. <em>Error document path</em> you can skip for now.</p>

<figure class=Enter the Index document name

A Small Aurelia App

For testing I just made a new app with the Aurelia CLI. I then modified the app.html file slightly and added a image as well.

The files and folders needed to move to the Storage account for my app: 

  • index.html
  • favicon.ico
  • scripts/
    • app-bundle.js
    • app-bundle.js.map
    • vendor-bundle.js
  • img/
    • aurelia-icon-512×512.png

Deploying the Aurelia App

There are quite a few ways to deploy an Aurelia app to the Storage account. One way is through the portal, another via the Azure CLI or maybe using the Visual Studio Code plugin or the Azure Storage Explorer app. Preferable for any kind of production code is to setup a CI/CD pipeline with Azure DevOps. But for this example, let’s use the Azure portal since we already have it open.

Open the Storage Explorer in the portal and expand the Blob Containers. Here we can see a new container created for our app, called $web.

Find the $web folder in the Storage Explorer
The $web container

Press the Upload button in the upper toolbar and select the files belonging to the Aurelia app. For those files belonging to folders, click Advanced and enter the directory name before selecting the files that needs to be uploaded.

Upload the required files
Uploading files from the Azure portal

OBS! If you get a validation error saying “Failed to validate filenames”, you can check the checkbox for Overwrite if files already exist.

Testing Our New Website

The endpoint address to our blob hosted web page is then found under  Settings > Static website.

Find the endpoint url under Settings - Static website
The endpoint for our web site

And testing it in a browser renders the finished result 😃

The end result in a browser, our Aurelia app as a static website hosted in a Azure Storage Account
The finished app


For a production site you would of course want to use a custom domain name, use a cert etc. Read more about using a custom domain name here.  Azure Storage is not currently supporting HTTPS to custom domains, but it’s possible to use Azure CDN for that, read about how to set that up here.

Happy coding! 😁

Hosting an Aurelia App on Azure Storage Static Websites
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