Running the Aurelia Skeleton app on ASP.NET 5
On Dec 17:th Rob Eisenberg blogged about a new patch on for Aurelia. Performance, Bug Fixes and Documentation improvements. The thing that got me the most excited was the announcement that the Aurelia Navigation Skeleton had been improved for the TypeScript scenario and adapted to be run under VS Code!
The Aurelia Skeleton Nav project is a nice piece of code! Planned to be used in a production scenario, so it has all kinds of goodness setup, like a watch task, bundling, unit and integration tests.
But as I’m a Microsoft guy, it lacked one thing. A setup to be able to run it on ASP.NET 5 instead of node.
Get the Aurelia project
First off, download the project from, you can get it here.
Setting up the project to run on ASP.NET 5
A few pre-requisites is needed to be able to run the project to start of with. Let’s first sort all the npm packages needed.
Installing npm packages
First off we need to install the npm packages.
As some of the packages need depend on node-gyp to be compiled, Python needs to be installed on your machine.
If you haven’t got Python installed, download and install it. Version 2.7.10 is the recommended install for node-gyp.
Node-gyp is also need a C++ compiler. If you are running Windows 10, install any version of Visual Studio 2015 that you have got access too and make sure the C++ packages are included in the install.
After installing Python set an environment variable named: GYP_MSVS_VERSION and set the value to: 2015.
Now make sure everything is installed properly by running npm install from the root of the project.
Install global npm dependencies>
The project is dependent on having a few packages installed globally as well, these being gulp and jspm.
To sort this, run the following:
npm install -g gulp
npm install -g jspm
Installing Aurelia with jspm
Now we need to install the Aurelia packages, and a few others. This is done by running the following form the root of the project:
jspm install
Make sure everything installed properly
Test the major part of the toolchain by building the project. Do this with:
gulp build
Setting up the ASP.NET 5 bits
If you are new to ASP.NET 5 and haven’t got the run-time installed, get it here.
First off we need to add two files, project.json and Startup.cs.
Mine looked like the following:
{ "version": "1.0.0-*", "compilationOptions": { "emitEntryPoint": true }, "tooling": { "defaultNamespace": "Aurelia_Skeleton" }, "dependencies": { "Microsoft.AspNet.IISPlatformHandler": "1.0.0-rc1-final", "Microsoft.AspNet.Server.Kestrel": "1.0.0-rc1-final", "Microsoft.AspNet.StaticFiles": "1.0.0-rc1-final" }, "commands": { "web": "Microsoft.AspNet.Server.Kestrel" }, "frameworks": { "dnx451": { }, "dnxcore50": { } }, "exclude": [ "node_modules" ], "publishExclude": [ "**.user", "**.vspscc" ] }
using Microsoft.AspNet.Builder; using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection; namespace Aurelia_Skeleton { public class Startup { public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { } // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline. public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app) { app.UseIISPlatformHandler(); app.UseDefaultFiles(); app.UseStaticFiles(); } // Entry point for the application. public static void Main(string[] args) => Microsoft.AspNet.Hosting.WebApplication.Run<Startup>(args); } }
After adding these files, go back to the command line and run the following:
dnu restore
dnu build
Given everything is installed correctly, the build should have gone ok and we can now start the web server with:
dnx web
Now everything should be installed, setup and ready to go, so just open a browser and hit http://localhost:5000 and the app should be loading!
Get the code
I forked the project and introduced my changes, you can get the code from my GitHub repository.
This was a quick setup and it’s not of production quality like the stuff from the Aurelia team, but it’s hopefully a start for those who want to play around with Aurelia on ASP.NET 5.
Happy Coding! 🙂
Worked for me! Thanks for the help.
Great to hear that!
Have fun with Aurelia 🙂
Thank you for providing this! With the instructions you provided I was able to get the ‘skeleton-typescript-asp.net5’ Skeleton App from working. However, do you have any idea why I cannot build it within VS2015? When I try to I get a huge list of errors like ‘Duplicate identifier’…’. Can we only use VS at an editor? Why do they provide a VS solution file and integrate it so much if we cannot build and run from VS?
I am newly moving from SilverLight / WPF to the JavaScript world so have a lot to learn.
Thank you for all your help 🙂
Thanks, just happy if it helps some one 🙂
Without seeing the error, I’m guessing the problems you’re having is during TypeScript compilation and that you have problems with duplicated type definitions. So check you’re d.ts files, make sure you have only one of each in your project scope.
You can build the web app form VS, using Task Runner Explorer, but in reality it’s just executing your build scripts (ie gulp-scripts in this case). If it’s what you like and prefer you can have a workflow where you don’t leave Visual Studio.
I’m currently building a larger ASP.NET 5/Core backend/Aurelia front-end solution. I’m using VS without any problems. I would prefer to use code, but atm I feel more at home in VS when working on my backend/api code.
So Aurelia in VS – niemas problemas! Just need to get the setup right, but that can unfortunately be a bit tricky 🙂
Have you had any issues adding new jspm packages to the skeleton? As soon as I do jspm install aurelia-validation, I get a ton of TS2300: Duplicate identifier errors, all in aurelia-binding.d.ts and aurelia-templating.d.ts. If I jspm uninstall, it works fine again.
My guess is that it’s due to aurelia-validation depending on packages with other versions than the ones you already have installed. So when the installation is done you end up with multiple versions of the same libs in the npm-folder.
Last time I checked, the validation package was not ahead of the latest stable release and you probably need to rev the rest of the packages to catch up with it.
Let me know if you get it working! 🙂
Could you make a guide on how to deploy an Aurelia frontend / Core backend ?
Yeah, I can try and do that. I’m busy preparing talks/traveling for the next two weeks, but after that I’m back to blogging more regularly hopefully 🙂
Any specific target you have in mind, on premise IIS , Azure or something else?