Writing your own file uploader is great! It means you have full control over your user scenario. You own the UX, and you don’t have to pull in large clunky third party packages that slow down your site and might
Using Dragula with Aurelia 2 and TypeScript
Learn how to implement Drag and Drop easily in Aurelia 2 with Dragula!
A Productive Aurelia 2 Build Setup
Configuring the ultimate build setup for your new Aurelia 2 projects, making you even more productive!
Using VS Code Tasks to Create Template Files
As I was starting a new Aurelia 2 project, I realized I wanted a quick way to produce files for a new component. On top of creating files, I also want some editing to happen. 🤔 VS Code Tasks to
Dynamic Module Imports in Aurelia 2
In this article we’ll have a look at working with dynamic module loading in Aurelia2. I’ll be using dumber.js as module bundler, but the concepts are applicable to other bundlers as well. Disclaimer! This code was written when Aurelia 2
Writing a QnA bot in Aurelia
Writing a QnA bot in Aurelia I wanted to write one of those nifty QnA bot’s that can be seen all over the web nowdays. After having a look at the Microsoft Bot Framework, I stumbled on to the QnA
Unit Testing and E2E Testing an Aurelia SPA (CLI)
Testing an Aurelia SPA Welcome to the seventh episode about writing an Aurelia SPA. This time we write some unit tests for our custom components. We also set up E2E testing, something that most of the other Aurelia skeletons come
How To: Style an Aurelia SPA with Sass
Styling an Aurelia SPA with Sass Welcome to the sixth episode about writing an Aurelia SPA. Now we take a look at styling the SPA using Sass. The “Aurelia SPA built with TypeScript and Sass on .NET Core” Series These
How To: Configure and Use the Router in an Aurelia SPA
Setup and use the router in an Aurelia SPA Welcome to the fifth episode about writing an Aurelia SPA, where we take a look at the Router and implement some Routing in our Aurelia SPA. We’re going to implement a
Using TypeScript’s async/await in Aurelia
Using the TypeScript 2.1 async/await construct in Aurelia During the week, TypeScript 2.1 got promoted to release candidate. One of the interesting things in TypeScript 2.1 is the ability to now use asynchronous functions (async/await) when targeting ES5 and even