Testing an Aurelia SPA Welcome to the seventh episode about writing an Aurelia SPA. This time we write some unit tests for our custom components. We also set up E2E testing, something that most of the other Aurelia skeletons come
How To: Style an Aurelia SPA with Sass
Styling an Aurelia SPA with Sass Welcome to the sixth episode about writing an Aurelia SPA. Now we take a look at styling the SPA using Sass. The “Aurelia SPA built with TypeScript and Sass on .NET Core” Series These
How To: Configure and Use the Router in an Aurelia SPA
Setup and use the router in an Aurelia SPA Welcome to the fifth episode about writing an Aurelia SPA, where we take a look at the Router and implement some Routing in our Aurelia SPA. We’re going to implement a
Using TypeScript’s async/await in Aurelia
Using the TypeScript 2.1 async/await construct in Aurelia During the week, TypeScript 2.1 got promoted to release candidate. One of the interesting things in TypeScript 2.1 is the ability to now use asynchronous functions (async/await) when targeting ES5 and even
Basic TypeScript on ASP.NET Core with Visual Studio 2015 in 5 steps
From zero to displaying results from your first TypeScript file running on ASP.NET Core in 5 steps
Aurelia – TypeScript – ASP.NET 5 – VS Code
Coding Quick Tip: Get started quickly with Aurelia using their TypeScript skeleton hosted on ASP.NET 5
TypeScript Classes Part III
The last part in the TypeScript classes tutorial series. This time it’s about Inheritance, Interfaces and Abstract Classes.
Aurelia, Visual Studio Code and TypeScript
From zero to basic App in Aurelia, using ASP.NET 5, TypeScript and Visual Studio Code!
VS Code, Debugger For Chrome and ASP.NET 5
Getting the Debugger For Chrome extension to work for ASP.NET 5 Projects in Visual Studio Code
TypeScript Classes Part II
The second part in the TypeScript classes tutorial. This time it’s about Accessors and Static Properties.