Microsoft releasing the first ever Windows Phone 7 patch, but not the patch we’ve all been waiting for.
An evening with Nokia – MWC 2011
One of the companies that didn’t show off any new devices during their opening presentations at MWC but still was highly interesting to follow was Nokia.
Copy & Paste functionality in "NoDo"
Lengthy overview of the copy & paste functionality in the upcoming Windows Phone 7 update.
NoDo not persisting camera settings
Seems the camera settings are still not saved in the upcoming Windows Phone 7 update.
Windows Phone Developer Tools updated
The new update of the Windows Phone Developer Tools is here, allowing developers to use the updated assemblies that will be released in the upcomming Windows Phone OS update from Microsoft
WP7 – New WPDT unlocked
The new Windows Phone Developer Tools pack that was released a few days ago have been unlocked again by RustyGrom over at xda developers. Aparently there are some newly implemented call functionality that wasn’t in the build the last time.
WP7 – WPDT CTP Refresh
(For the latest January 2011 update check out the Windows Phone Developer Tools updated post) The Windows Phone Developer Tools CTP refresh is finally out. This version is now compatible with the release version of Visual Studio 2010. To download