The developers interest keeps up and the apps keep comming for Windows Phone 7
Windows Phone Marketplace passes 5000
Windows Phone 7 Marketplace passes 5000 apps in 2 months
Accessing Bing Visual Search
Step by step description on how to access the Bing Visual Search and look for Windows Phone 7 apps
Windows Phone Marketplace hits 3000
Today the Bing visual search places the Windows Phone Marketplace at 3000 apps. Good work all app coders out there! We’re still missing some of the big names, but I hope they are working on their apps and are just
Windows Phone Marketplace hitting 2000
In a recent communication from Microsoft to it’s registered developers, regarding the security of their intellectual properties, numbers about the current number of apps in the Marketplace was given.
Windows Phone Marketplace changes – Updates?
For those following the Windows mobile scene the changes to the marketplace policy might not be news. A quick recap for those who missed it: Yearly fee for developers of 99$ You get to publish 5 apps for free Earlier