2010 Smartphone usage statistics Pew Research Center recently released their 2010 survey of cellphone usage, and it shows a clear trend. The report is only from data collected in the US, but still shows a clear trend of increased smartphone usage.
Smartphone memorys quadrupled
Toshiba is presenting the highest capacity NAND flash mermory yet, a chip with 128GB space. The currently largest flash memorys are holding 32GB, so Toshiba is actually quadrupling the capacity. The new circuits contains a controller and 16*8GB chips, they
Android vs. iPhone – Browsers and marketshare
Even though the iPad hasn’t been available all that long, and is in fact not yet available in large parts of the world, the mobile browser share of iPad’s are rapidly climbing. It’s increasing so fast in fact that it
Nokia + Yahoo = Who cares?
Yesterday Nokia and Yahoo held a press conference regarding their future cooperation. Yahoo realize they lost the map race long ago and is going to incorporate the Ovi Maps and Ovi Navigation technology to improve their maps. Nokia is going
Intel reveals next generation smartphone platform
The smartphone market is growing in leaps and bounds, and Intel wants a bit of the cookie. Today they launched the next generation smartphone and netbook platform. The processor series is an improved Atom named Atom Z6xx, previously going under
WP7 – New WPDT unlocked
The new Windows Phone Developer Tools pack that was released a few days ago have been unlocked again by RustyGrom over at xda developers. Aparently there are some newly implemented call functionality that wasn’t in the build the last time.
HP to aquire Palm
It seems the turbulent Palm saga is coming to an end as HP and Palm today announced that Palm is being bought by HP. The price will be $5.70 a share, or approximately $1.2 billion. As written in the press
Smartphone net usage metrics
The mobile ad company AdMob continually gathers data about the usage of their ads. They serve billions of adds all over the world each month. The info gathered is of course not 100% statistically correct, but adds insight into the
Mix 10
Mix 10 has been held and a lot of new info about Windows Phone 7 has been released. For developers we now know that Silverlight or XNA is the choice for developing code. There is a new emulator released, a
Windows Phone 7 Series is the name
Windows Phone 7 Series is the name So after a short delay filled with some funky music(?) it was finally declared, Windows Phone 7 series was the name and it is here to dazzle us. After a short intro from