Using Azure Mobile Services in Portable Class Libraries It’s now possible using Mobile Services from PCL’s for your data access. Just add the Windows Azure Mobile Services NuGet package to your Portable Class Library and you should be ready to
MVVM Light on Windows Phone 8 & Design-Time ViewModels
Pinpointing error when using Design-Time ViewModels with MVVM Light on Windows Phone
SuppressDraw in mixed XNA / Silverlight projects on Windows Phone
How to freeze drawing in the mixed XNA / Silverlight model for Windows Phone
XML serialization in the Silverlight / XNA template for Windows Phone 7.1
Problems with XML deserialization on Windows Phone in the Silverlight / XNA template
Manipulating Isolated Storage on Windows Phone 7
Some helper code to get you started with Isolated Storage on Windows Phone
The "UnWalshifier" is released
The “UnWalshifier” has been released
Windows Phone Marketplace pass 15000 apps
Windows Phone celebrate 6 months by breaking 15000 app barrier
Spotify heading for Windows Phone
Spotify app finally for Windows Phone
Microsoft lowering Windows Phone specs
What is being revealed about Windows Phone at MIX11?
NoDo available for everyone
Get your hands on the NoDo update now!